Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Turning an accident into a disaster

Hitting the fan

When it does, the actions that the people involved take, significantly affect the outcome of the event. Generally we think of disasters as affecting lots of people. Many people dead and injured. On a personal basis, you falling from a height, breaking your leg and consequently not being able to pay your mortgage is a disaster.

This is about how quality first aid training and the applied skills, alter the outcome of an accident

The points below are about what makes a bad situation worse, the mistakes that we make when faced with a very challenging situation.

People become disoriented in their environment
You plan your days work, the address of where you are working. What about your journey to and from work? The "Devon Air Ambulance Trust App" locates us within a few seconds with a six figure map reference, plots where you are and has a box to dial 999/112 straight away.  It works on all smart phones.
We are atrocious at communication. There are more studies than we can shake a stick at to say how poor we are at calling for help. The Ambulance services spend a huge amount of time and effort trying to dissuade us from using them. When it comes to an emergency, people hesitate to dial 999/112. The majority of simple first aid incidents we will sort out without complication. However, the boundary between simple and cock-up is small!

Plan for access and egress
How does the ambulance get to you off the road.?  If you are a long way off the road, does Ambulance control need to send Helimed?  Only you can tell them. Know where your equipment is - first aid kit etc. It is no good in the front of the van, half a mile away. Know where your colleagues/help are.

We fail to anticipate or plan
First aid training:- a lot of the training we receive is not fit for purpose (some is, I hasten to point out). It is up to you, the purchaser to exercise "due diligence" when organising your first aid courses. Choose companies that are experienced and understand your needs.

Failing to plan is planning to fail
First aid training, understanding how thinking around and planning for a situation going pear shaped, makes a huge difference to the outcome.

Have effective communication system 
Make sure when you leave for work your phone is fully charged. Have you got a network where you are working. That is less important for the initial 112 call, as your phone can cross network dial. However, you will not be able to get a call back from them.  I have an old phone, will a payg EE sim in it, for the odd time when I need to speak to WMAS and I have no network. 

Call the ambulance service/fire & rescue early
If you panic and call them early, then later discover that you have overreacted, ring them back and stand them down. Not a problem. Someone bleeding, and you not stopping it, is a very big problem. If the situation changes, ring them back and tell them.

Get colleagues to help early
Get all your team involved. There is plenty to do. Someone to meet the ambulance, keeping the patient warm, sorting out evacuation etc.

We become fixated on one issue 
We are often overwhelmed by the situation and obsess over one thing.  People see blood and panic, or see a broken arm and panic. We see the first part and then stop looking. We frequently see this in people in all walks of life. We miss obvious things because we are overwhelmed by the circumstances. If we have been injured in one place on our bodies, why not anywhere else. Have a good look.

We are overwhelmed by noise/alarms/people
Noise is extremely distracting.  Step back – check situation, is everything happening that should be? If you are team leader, have you got it all going? Someone on the phone, one or more doing first aid, access/egress, meeting the ambulance, keeping warm etc.

Delegate someone to be situationally aware. Last week I was dealing with a collapsed lady in the street. A bus touched my arm. I had not heard or seen it.  It scared me. I moved my car to close off the carriageway. The motorway is extremely dangerous, a number of people are killed every year just stepping onto the live carriageway.

Distribute workload
Crew resource management, one person one job.  Each crew member carries out their specific role. Apply this to the emergency situation. We loose many of the above skills when overloaded with functions, therefore, one person needs to take overall charge and delegate. This avoids many of the above faults by checking that functions are being done. Move people around to stop them becoming tired.

You should have learned all about this on your first aid training course. I teach it on all of mine. We can be contacted at www.axiomtraining.com there are links there to other blogs, facebook etc.

Communication is vital – to the patient, to the team, to ambulance control!

 By Martin Bennett
Director Axiom Training Ltd.

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